Who does not know Zamzam well? The whole Muslims certainly knew him, let alone when they never get into the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. For those who do not or have never signed in to the Sacred Mosque, the well of Zamzam can be known from the books of religion. Zamzam well in scientific, swallowed and can be studied. The study of this issue in the geological branch of science called hydrogeology.
Zamzam Well Before Closed |
A little story before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad begins with the story of the wife of Prophet Ibrahim, Siti Hajar, who are looking for water for his story. The well was then not a lot or even no the story, so well it was reported missing.
The well of Zamzam which now we see is a well dug by Abdul Muthalib grandfather of Prophet Muhammad. So today, from " well science " then the well Zamzam well dig categories include (Dug Water Well).
Dimension and profile of the well of Zamzam
Zamzam well shape can be seen below.
The Dimensions Of The Well Of Zamzam |
The well has a depth of around 30.5 meters. To a depth of 13.5 meters penetrating the top layer of alluvium Wadi Ibrahim. This layer is the layer of sand that is very porous. This layer contains a sandstone transport results from other places. It is possible that were irrigated river valleys are now dry. Or may constitute the results of the scattered debris or buildup of weathering of rocks results in higher topography.
Fountain of Zamzam
Under layers of alluvial Wadi Ibrahim is half a meter (0.5 m) layer of very pass water (permeable). Layer a very pass of water this is the main discharge of water-the water in the well of Zamzam.
Depth 17 meters down further, the well penetrates the layers of rock that form igneous rocks Diorit. This type of igneous rock (Diorit) it is kind of rare in Indonesia or in Java, but it is very much to be found in the Arabian peninsula. At the top of this rock fissures found-breach also has deposits of water. There used to be the suspect cracks toward the Red Sea. But there is no (perhaps I haven't found) a geological report shows it.
Of the test pumping of the well is able to drain the water of 11-11.5 liters/second, to the per menit can reach 660 liters/minute or 40 000 liters per hour. Cracks or fissures it the one that issued the water quite a lot. There are cracks (fissures) that extends towards the black stone with a length of 75 cm with a height of 30 cm, as well as some small gaps towards Shaffa and Marwa.
Other geometric description, gap well below where Tawaaf 1.56 m, depth from the total wells 30 m, water depth from the lip of the well = 4 m, a depth of 13 m, spring water from the spring until the bottom of the well 17 m, and the diameter of the wells ranged from 1.46 to 2.66 metres.
Rain Water As A Source Of Blessings
rain water zamzam |
Situated in the Valley of Mecca, according to SGS (the Saudi Geological Survey) broad basins that supply this catchment area as an area of 60 Km2, certainly not too broad as a rain-collecting basin. Zamzam well water source mainly from rain which fell in the area around Makkah.
Well this is simply normal wells hydrology so that is in need of care. Well care includes keeping the quality of the water and environmental hygiene as well as keeping the well so that the water supply is able to meet the needs of pilgrims in Mecca. Opening the land for settlements around Makkah is very neatly laid out to avoid the reduced capacity of the well.
the location of the well of Zamzam |
Amber at the side shows the location of the well of Zamzam which is located in the midst of the Valley which extends. The Grand Mosque is located in the central part in between the hills-the hills in the vicinity. The catchment area of just 60 square Km is certainly small enough to catch rain water which is very rare to happen in Mecca, so it requires the supervision and maintenance of highly specialized.
Well Zamzam it, again in view of (scientific) Hydrogeology, is just as well dig. Not very exceptional compared to other dig wells. However, because this means well-drafted religion, it needs to be maintained. Much hope on these water wells because wells are believed to bring blessing. There is a which States the well can also be dry otherwise guarded. Even if we know the story well it be retrieved by Abdul Muthalib (his grandfather the Prophet Muhammad SAW) after the missing buried 4000 years (?).
First above the well, there is a building with an area of 8.5 m x 6.6 m = 88.8 m2. Between 1381-1388 H building was removed to expand the place during tawaf. So a place to drink the water of Zamzam was moved to the basement. In this underground drinking water from Zamzam spot are provided by a number of 350 water faucets (220 faucets for men and 130 women to tap), entered the men's women were separated.
Monitoring and Maintenance of the Well of Zamzam is Currently |
This is now the basement is also closed to give breadth to the pilgrims and umrah will be performing, prayer or praying. But if you're observant, as he is doing, we can still see the mark where the well is located. The well is located approximately 20 meters east of the Kaaba.
Monitoring and maintenance of the well of Zamzam
The number of pilgrims to Mecca thirty years ago only 400 000 per year (in the 1970s), continued to rise to more than a million people per year in the 1990s, and is now already more than 1.4 million. Surely this well maintenance required which is one of the magic and attraction for pilgrims.
The Saudi Government certainly cannot dwell just resigned to let this well maintained by God through a natural process. However the Government of Saudi Arabia which already today's modern scientific scientifically and formed a special body with well Zamzam. It seems indeed Saudi Arabia also is not simply to believe just by submitting to God as a guard, but instead very convinced of is people who must keep this well is a blessing.
Zam Pumping System |
In 1971 conducted research (research) hydrology by an expert from Pakistan named Tariq Hussain and Moin Uddin Ahmed. It is triggered by a statement of a doctor in Egypt which States contaminated water from Zamzam water sewage and dangerous for consumption. Tariq Hussain (including myself from the hydrogeology) also cast doubt on the existence of long fissures speculation linking the Red Sea with the well of Zamzam, because Makkah is located 75 kilometers from the coast. Concerning the alleged doctor of Egypt is, of course the result was denied a doctorate from Egypt, but there are more important things in my opinion that is the research this Hussain Tariq finally spurred the Government of Saudi Arabia to pay attention to the well of Zamzam in modern. This time lots of new buildings built around the Grand Mosque, also many tunnels built around Mecca, so that current development should really tightly controlled as it will affect the local hydrogeological conditions.
Zamzam well Research Agency under the SGS (the Saudi Geological Survey) was tasked to:
- Monitor and maintain to keep these wells to dry.
- Keep the urban around Wadi Ibrahim charging as it affects water.
- Regulate the flow of water from the catchment (recharge area).
- Keep the movement of groundwater and also maintain quality through the building control.
- To upgrade the pumps and tanks gatherer.
- Optimizing the supply and distribution of water of Zamzam
Zamzam Well Care Developments.
Yore, Zamzam taken with a Dipper or a Dipper, but later woke up water pumps in 1373 Ah/1953 m. pump is channeling water from the well into a tub of water, shelter and also to tap-tap around the well Zamzam.
Test pump (pumping test) was performed at the well, at pumping 8000 liters/sec for more than 24 hours showed surface water wells from 3.23 meters under the surface be 12.72 meters and then up to 24 meters. After it stopped pumping water back to 2.4 meters below the surface of the well in just 11 minutes after the pump has stopped. So it is believed easily that the aquifer supplying water comes from the multiple cracks (fissures) in the hills around Makkah.
A lot of things already done the Saudi Government to keep these Wells, among others, by forming a special agency in 1415 H (1994). and this time have built the channel to channel water from Zamzam to shelter the tank capacity of 15,000 m3, joining other tanks at the top of the Grand Mosque to serve pedestrians and travelers. Besides Zamzam water was also transported to other places using the truck's tank in between to the Holy Mosque in Madinah Al-Munawarrah.
Currently, the well is equipped also with electric pump which embedded below (electric submersible pump). We can only see the pictures just as above. To the right of this is the drum recording tool, hydrograph-advance height recording well water from Zamzam (Old style drum hydrograph used for recording levels in the Zamzam Well).
Mineral Content
Unlike the common mineral water, water from Zamzam in unique indeed contains natural elements of 2000 mg of per liter. Usually, natural mineral water (hard carbonated water) will not be more than 260 mg per liter. Chemical elements contained in the water of Zamzam can be grouped into
The first, positive ions like e.g. sodium (250 mg per liter), calcium (200 mg per liter), potassium (20 mg per liter), and magnesium (50 mg per liter).
Second, the negative ions such as sulfur (372 mg per liter), bicarbonates (366 mg per liter), nitrate (273 mg per liter), phosphate (0.25 mg per liter) and ammonia (6 mg per liter).
Zamzam Water Molecules
Zamzam Water Molecules |
Contents of chemical elements are what made the taste of the water of Zamzam is very distinctive and is believed able to provide special benefits. The water is ready-food scattered around the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's mosque in Medina was the water that's been processed so it is very safe and fresh drink, there is the already cooled and there is a cool (warm). However, it is said that this hygienists process does not use a chemical process to avoid changes in flavor and moisture content.
In 1971, a doctor from the land of Egypt told the European Press that Zamzam (water) it is not healthy to drink. The assumption is based that the city of Mecca that's down the line. Zamzam water that comes from the water the rest of the population of the city Mecca dross that per meter, then settles collected rain water together and out of the well of Zamzam. Jove.
Of course, it is bad that prejudice is detrimental to the Muslim world. This news got to the ears of King Faisal was very angry to hear it. He then ordered the Minister of agriculture and Water Resources to investigate the problem and submit the samples to the laboratory-Zamzam water laboratory in Europe to be tested.
Thariq Hussain, a chemical engineer who worked on the Installation of purifying sea water to drink, in the city of Jeddah, got the assignment work. At the time of starting the task, Thariq haven't had an idea, how well Zamzam water that could save so much as boundless.
Only Small Wells
When he arrived in the well, Thariq very dumbfounded when it saw that the size of the "outdoor" well that's just 18 x 14 feet only (approximately 5 x 4 meters). Not imagined, how well is as small as it can pull out millions of gallons of water each season his Hajj. And it lasts since thousands of years ago, from the days of the Prophet Ibrahim.
Fountain of Zamzam |
Tariq began to measure the water depth of the well. He asked his assistant went into the water. It turns out that well water only reaches a little above the shoulders of acolytes who height 5 feet 8 inches. Then he told his assistant to check, whether there might be an overdraft or pipeline inside. After moving from one place to another, apparently not found anything!.
She thought, just maybe this supply well water from the outside through the large magnitude of pump channels. When such events, then he could see down the rising of the water level suddenly. But the allegation was not proven. Not found the suspicious movement of water, also not found there are tools that can bring in large amounts of water.
Next, He asked his assistant entered again into the well. And then told to stand up, and silent place while watching her. Note the very careful consideration, and report what happened, the slightest. After doing this process carefully, his assistant suddenly brandishing a second hand while shouting: "thank God, I found him! Fine sand under the soles of my feet dancing. And water out of the bottom of the well ".
Then his assistant asked revolves around the well when it arrives when pumping water (for streamed to place water distribution) took place. She felt that the water coming out of the bottom of the well as great as it was before the period of pumping. And the outgoing water flow, the size is the same at every point, in all areas. This causes the surface of the well is relatively stable, there are no great shocks.
Following the observation that, Thariq send water samples to multiple labs in Europe and partly to the laboratory in Arabia. And before leaving the Kaaba, he told the officer at Mecca to investigate the circumstances of the other wells around the Kaaba.
Arriving at his Office in the city of Jeddah, he received reports that other wells in the vicinity of Mecca in case of dry. Zamzam well so it's just full of water. Subhanallah, if God wills it, anything can happen.
Contain Substances Anti Germs
The research results of samples of water in Europe and Saudi Arabia showed that Zamzam contains fluoride that had power effectively kill germs like already conceive of drugs. Then the difference from Zamzam water compared to other water wells in the city of Mecca and its surrounding Arab is in terms of the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of both minerals was a little more on Zamzam (water).
That's probably why Zamzam (water) makes a refreshing effect for people who were exhausted. Moreover, the results of European laboratory showed that Zamzam deserves to drink, healthy to drink. This automatic reply prejudices bad doctor in the early writings of yesteryear.
Another feature, the composition, and content of flavored salts always steady, always the same from since the formation of the well. "It's" is always awake, recognized by all the Congregation of the Hajj and umrah which always come every year. Never anyone to complain. Zamzam Water and never mixed chemicals water as well as any of our PAM. Pure healthy water.
One's greatness again, wells
The Crystal Water of Zamzam |
The Prophet added, "Zamzam (water) is useful for anything European when drinking it. Drink with the intention in order to recover from the illness you have, then God cured him. Drink with the intention that it may feel full, then God fills you. If you drink it in order for the missing flavor haus thy God thy thirst will remove it. He was the water pressure of the heel of Gabriel, drinks from God for Ismail ". (Narrated by Ahmad, Classed, Ibn Majah, from Ibn ' Abbaas).
The Prophet never take water from Zamzam in a jug of water and place the skin, then brought it back to Medina. Zamzam water that used the Prophet to splatter the sick and then was told to drink it. That's why today many pilgrims who brought from Zamzam water to give to the family and its relatives in the motherland.
Yusria Abdel-Rahman from Arab country Haraz said that he was stricken with the disease "boils" in her eyes. The illness is not the main, cannot be cured by medication. He almost approached blind. A doctor advised him to famous injected with special drugs, which might be able to heal the pain. But it turns out there is a side effect that could make him blind forever.
Yusria very sure of God's mercy. He then go on carrying out umrah and ask God to heal the ailment. In the House he did Tawaaf, then not too crowded with human beings. He can then stay longer on site from Zamzam water. He used to keep washing the eyes are sore. When he returned to his hotel, strange, both eyes are sore be healed, and the boils his fade away.
This incident proves the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad on top of Zamzam Water: useful for anything European when drinking it. Drink with the intention in order to recover from the illness you have, then God cured him.
Thus some of the benefits of Zamzam water. Take advantage of the best perks of this when we drink Zamzam in Mecca pilgrimage time later, or when we awarded the relatives, our friends, who recently returned from the Holy land. Recommended reading prayers first before drinking it.
Dr. Masaru Emoto and the water of Zamzam
Dr. Masaru Emoto outlines that the water are able to record a message, such as a magnetic tape or compact disc. The more powerful the message giver, the concentration in the message printed on the water. Water can transfer the message through a water molecule to another.
Dr. Masaru Emoto |
Perhaps these findings could explain why white water that can heal the sick pray for them. First we consider the polytheists, or at least we think are just a suggestion, but it turns out that a water molecule captures the message of prayer healing, save it, and then vibrating propagate to other water molecules in the body of the sick.
The human body is indeed 75% consists of water. Brain 74.5% water. The blood of 82% water. The hard bone contains 22% water. Whitewater gallons at home, it could be said every day with a session now to God, in order that children who drank it virtuous, healthy, and smart, and so as a husband who drank remained loyal. Water is working in the body TextBox will forward the message to the water in the brain and blood vessels. With the permission of God, the message body will be implemented without we realize. When drinking water in a city for pray seriously for piety, God willing all the population who drink it will be good and not fierce!.
A Water Molecule Is This?
In a hotel in the city, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dr. Masaru Emoto of the University of Yokohama, Japan, presented the results of his research regarding the water that he wrote in The book "The True Power of Water." A number of the slides of the Crystal of water molecules from a variety of sources, such as water from springs, rivers, Ocean, Lake, etc. It aired on that occasion.
Molecules of Zamzam |
Some of the water molecules "are in his meticulously shaped irregular, except for Zamzam water molecules. The arrangement of water molecules Zamzam structured, organized, beautiful sparkling diamonds, tubs and emits more than 12 colors if frozen.
Below is a picture of the molecule or Crystal ZAM-ZAM, a series of hexagonal shape of his very beautiful, shiny and full of brilliant color when read out verses of the noble.
There is a single crystal of water that appears to be the most beautiful and gorgeous, shaped like a flower or diamond discs, like quality precious stones, r. ber shimmer-Sheen emits a dozen colors. "Water molecules is this?" Tanya Masaru Emoto.
The sudden atmosphere of silence, the audience seemed stunned and don't know exactly what the hell molecular crystals. But suddenly a lecturer from the University of Malaysia held out hands, "perhaps it is the Zamzam water molecules". " He said.
Dr. Masaru Emoto back asking, "why do you argue that it is a water molecule Zamzam?"
Said the Professor, "for water from Zamzam water is the most precious in the world, so it's only natural if he had a molecular form of diamond that glowed beautifully."
It turns out that the alleged Professor was correct. It is indeed water from Zamzam. The research of Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that water from Zamzam water molecules have a most beautiful girl and beautiful in between other water.
Dr. Masaru Emoto Japan scientists since 1994 conclusions of his research:
- From Zamzam water has remarkable healing abilities, upon the permission of God.
- Water from Zamzam water molecule has a structure that is unique when compared to water-water all over the world. Zamzam (water) in the form of crystals produces the beautiful hexagonal structures (Hexagon) is gorgeous, beautiful, a sparkle of diamonds that emit more than 12 colors.
- The crystal water of Zamzam when accompanied by positive things (prayer and the recitation of the Qur'an). But Crystal will break irregular if accompanied by the things that are negative.
- The nature of the positive qualities of Crystal molecule because of the influence of the environment (the Hajj, umrah, munajat prayer, and reading the Quran) around the Ka'bah every day of all time.
European laboratories by Tariq Hussain, a chemical engineer and researcher with the installation of water purification of the sea to drink, Jeddah, concluded:
- Zamzam (water) through the natural filtering process that is very unique, i.e. through the rocks and desert sand in layers
- Mineral content and other elements with a number of fantastic, about 2,000 milligrams per liter, normally a natural mineral water (hard carbonated water) will not be more than 260 mg per liter. Among other things, sodium (250), calcium (200), potassium (20), magnesium (50) sulfur (372), bicarbonate (366), nitrate (271), phosphate (0.25), the clan of ammonia (6).
- The levels of Calcium and salt Magnesiumnya is higher than other wells, efficacious for relieving thirst and healing effects.
- Content of the substances the use of which helps destroy germs of human body.
- Water from Zamzam is always free of germ contamination because the environment well preserved natural
- When the dry season wells around Mecca's Zamzam well is dry, but still juicy, all ages and seasons. The fact that an average of 50 million liters Zam-\zam in the grab for pilgrims worldwide, excluding the months of Hajj umrah outside.
- The well of Zamzam Spring flows naturally, without the aid of machines/mines suck water. When done the search source waters, researchers say "thank God, I found him! Fine sand under the soles of my feet dancing. And water out of the bottom of the well ".
- The well of Zamzam water never covered MOSS as well as microorganisms, unlike the well generally across the world, so to-sterile-Ness from Zamzam water, stay awake.
- The surface of the water coming out of the bottom of the well as great before pumping water/retrieval. And the outgoing water flow, the size is the same at every point, in all areas. This causes the surface of the well is relatively stable.
- On the composition and content of flavored salts always steady, always the same from since the formation of the well. "It's" is always awake, recognized by all the Congregation of the Hajj and umrah which always come every year. Never anyone to complain.
- Water from Zamzam is never mixed chemicals of any kind
- In his book, The True Power of Water that is sold in Japan and America express how Zamzam (water) has a tremendous healing power.
- Undergraduate research by contra Islam, aimed at degrading Zamzam water, always fail.
- The research Sample of Islamic and non-Islamic societies, the result is the same, a miracle
- The results of the satellite photo/NASA concluded well Zamzam it turns out all the Red Sea with the dead sea or towards a United one point below the Kaaba
- Well of Zamzam (water) is a perennial that wells has more than 4,000 years old relics of the Prophet Ibrahim.
- Research in conformity with the contents of the Quran, the Hadith or experience:
"The best water on the surface of the Earth is the water of Zamzam. To him there is a refreshing food and bidders for all diseases. " (Hadith)
"Zamzam Water, depending on the intention of the people who drink it." (Saheeh Hadeeth book of Irwa-ul Irwa ').
"Zamzam (water) in accordance with the intention when drinking it. If you drink it for drugs, may Allaah healed thee. If you drink it to relieve thirst, may God remove them ... " (Hadith is hasan li ghairihi. Book of Saheeh Al-targheeb Tarhib)
"Over the next 30 days, I (Abu Dzar Al saying) doesn't have any food except from Zamzam water. I became chubby and fat my stomach being annihilated. I didn't get in my heart weakness of the hungry. " (Narrated By Muslim)
" Fever is from the heat of Hell, then chill/compress with water or water from Zamzam "(narrated by Bukhari)
So the reviews about Zamzam well, may be useful.
Source: http://www.dakwatuna. com/2013/05/26/33850/